När jag har något att säga säjer jag det här, om jag inte säger det någon annanstans. Politik, mera om Asien än om Västvärlden eftersom jag ofta känner mej mindre främmande där. Sometimes English, sometimes Swedish depending on what kind of keyboard and my state of mind.


Shit. Och blandat.

Glömde spara ett långt inlägg innan jag startade om datorn, suck.

Varför jag startade om den? Tja . . . Billy Goat's fel, installerade de senaste uppdateringarna till Windows, från http://www.autopatcher.com/ Alltför många har problem med att uppdatera sina Windows XP.

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De stackars palestinaaraberna, som hela EU tycker så synd om: vad tycker de egentligen om situationen? Ny poll berättar att:
66.8% supportar fler kidnappningar av israeler
77.2% supportar den senaste tunnlade kidnappningen av en israelisk soldat - detta trots att det resulterade i att fredsduvan Peretz tvingades göra något. MEN bara
47.7% trodde att något positivt skulle komma ut ur det, för araberna.

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Den lilla Ahmadinejad har uttalat sig på en arabisk konferens (Jordanien, Egypten och Turkiet protesterade ej) om Israels avlägsnande med ett ord som normalt används för att borttaga en kvinnas oskuld, d.v.s. irreversibelt. (Hm, kirurger i Beirut brukade, enligt vad jag har hört, tjäna bra på just det men ändå.....)

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Naomi Ragen, författare i Jerusalem, sänder ut mail med oregelbundna mellanrum för att påpeka bl.a. hur dagens israeliska regering behandlar de judar de inte älskar. Här är det senaste, som är värt att läsa i detalj:


This is the truth.



This is a true story about two daughters - Chaya and Dana. Both are Israeli citizens. Both are Jewish. That's about all they have in common. And the differences? Here is one example: While one spent 40 days in jail and is currently standing trial for her alleged crime, the other - who committed the same crime - did not spent one minute under arrest.

Chaya is my daughter. She is 15 years old. Last summer, during the forced expulsion of Jews from Gaza, Chaya went to a demonstration. She went to cry out against this inhuman crime, she wanted to protect Jewish rights. She was standing on the sidewalk when a policewoman approached her.
"Scram!" she told Chaya.
"I am not doing anything illegal!" protested Chaya.
"Beat it or I'll arrest you" repeated the bully in blue uniform.
"I have every right to be here. This is Eretz Israel, and I am not doing anything wrong!".
"This is the last time I'm saying it - get lost or I'll arrest you!"
" Well, shut up and arrest me then". That was Chaya's alleged response. I guess Chaya didn't want to put up with being bullied around.
Chaya was arrested. Her alleged crime? "Insulting a public official". The first five days she spent in solitary confinement. No showers, no clean clothes, no phone calls to parents or lawyers. She was declared an "ideological criminal" by non other than the Israeli Supreme
Court (in)justice Ayala Proccacia, who remanded Chaya to jail until the end of legal proceedings. It was only due to the public outcry of which all of you were a major part, that Chaya was finally released - after spending 40 days in jail!!! She was 14 years old. Even after the expulsion from Gaza was carried out the Prosecutor refused to close the case, and we are still in the middle of the trial.

But......fear not! Freedom of speech is still protected in Israel. At least for some Israelis. The fortunate ones. The politically correct ones. The ones like Dana.
Two weeks ago seven members of an Arab family were killed on a Gaza beach. Though it was pretty clear from the start that the IDF had nothing to do with it, the very moral Dana and her friends decided to demonstrate and cry out in order to protect Arabs and their rights. And so, bleeding heart Dana made up signs, came up with slogans to chant, and went to demonstrate at the home of the Chief of Staff Dan Chalutz.
"Chalutz is a murderer, intifada shall prevail!!" wrote peace-loving Dana on the posters.
"Beware! Murderer in the neighborhood!" they screamed to every passerby.
Self-hating Dana knew that no-one would arrest her for "insulting a public official". And indeed, not one of about thirty policemen at the scene made any attempt to stop Dana (who never once protested the murder of innocent Jews) from spewing her belligerent diatribe. I suppose prema-Dana, who's well in her twenties, didn't appear to them as much of a criminal as my 14 year old Chaya. Oh, one more thing. Dana's last name isn't Belogorodsky. It is Olmert. As in Ehud. As in the Prime Minister of Israel. And Dana is his daughter.

There is no "equality before the Law" in Israel. Chaya's case is one of many. Nadya Matar, the courageous leader of "Women in Green" is on trial for pointing out certain similarities between the Judenraat and Yonatan Basi, the head of the Gaza expulsion authority. Her crime?
"Insulting a public official". Itamar Ben-Gvir was arrested, prosecuted and punished for calling MK Cohen a "murderer". Itamar, too, "insulted a public official". Bleeding heart Dana, on the other hand, was never even taken in for questioning for the insults she hurled at the Chief of Staff, much less jailed for her abuses.
Yes, I am outraged. Throughout our ordeal the judges, prosecutors, cops - they all shoved the "sanctity of the Law" in my face, thus justifying their kidnapping of my child and holding her in a stinking cell, figuring that thus they will succeed in breaking our protest against the expulsion. Why is Dana's distorted morality above that very same "sanctity of the Law"?
I am going to visit a police station. The same one that Chaya was arrested at. I will file a complaint, demanding they investigate Dana's criminal behavior. I will forward my complaint to various MKs, demanding they hold a special session to discuss this disgraceful discrimination. I will demand she stand trial. I don't expect anything from the "justice" system. I just want to expose their double standards once again.

What can be done to fight this outrageous discrimination? One of the main reasons why Dana & Co. feel so free to exercise their rights is because they have strong, influential organizations that will fight tooth and nail to protect their right to freely and loudly spew their
venom. Betzelem, Association for Civil Rights, Rabbis for Peace(sic!) , - they have the means to protect Dana's "rights" to call for national suicide.
Today, we too have an organization that is fighting to protect the civil rights of our segment of the Israeli society.You've all heard of Honenu. For years Honenu has been fighting to defend Jews from judicial harassment. The time has come for Honenu to become stronger, much stronger. Tough challenges lie ahead of us. Dana's father is determined to deprive us of our most basic human rights, and this on a much larger scale than his predecessor. We must
have a strong, loud, influential Honenu.
Every one of you can help by contributing much needed funds - tax exempt both in Israel and the U.S. You can also volunteer your time. Please visit http://www.civilrightsisrael.org/ for more information.

Over the past year Chaya and I have conducted a number of highly successful parlor meetings both here in Israel and the U.S. These meetings help Honenu with badly needed funds. They also provide an opportunity to form new contacts and get more people involved. If you feel that you can host such a meeting - whether in English, Hebrew, or Russian - please contact me :

Moshe Belogorodsky
cell 011-972-52-444-3929

May we merit to see the fulfillment of our daily prayer: "Bring back our judges as in former times".




Shmuel Blumert
Jerusalem Israel


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Steven Plaut presenterar hypotesen att där är förbindelser mellan ISM och bombningen av London. Ja, varför inte.

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Sverige har haft sina politiker samlade på Gotland, där de flesta partier enades om att producera ett lätt fördolt Hata-Israeldokument underskrivet av många:

  • ett slut på folkrättsvidrigt våld från både Israels och palestiniers sida
  • både israelernas och palestiniernas rätt att leva i fred inom säkra och erkända gränser – 1967 års gränser
  • snara och korrekta rättegångar för alla politiska fångar. Vi tänker speciellt på barnen
  • frigivande av alla kidnappade människor
  • en återgång till samtal och förhandlingar som bygger på folkrätten – den internationella humanitära rätten och de mänskliga rättigheterna.
Vad är det för fel på detta? Jo!

  • Folkrätt är ett enormt flytande begrepp som propalestinier tycks anse att de har monopol på. Läs förresten alla artiklar i ämnet på samma site.
  • ALLA folk har rätt att leva i fred etc. enligt FN:s grundläggande regler. Israel och USA gav palestinaaraberna vapen och träning för att eliminera terrorismen.
  • Snara och korrekta rättegångar bör självklart snarast införas i de palestinska områdena, där totalt godtycke har rått. Vi har alla hört talas om "roterande-dörrprincipen" där Arafat enligt Osloavtalen var tvungen att fängsla arabiska terrorister men att de sedan släpptes timmar eller dagar senare. Däremot dödas omedelbart en arab som sålt ett hus eller land till en jude.
  • "Barn" är ett mycket flytande begrepp - en terrorist på 17 som har påträffats med bombbälte blir legal terrorist någon månad senare. Mycket viktigare är stopp för den intensiva hatpropaganda från statliga palestinska medier speciellt riktade mot arabiska barn.
  • Israel har aldrig någonsin sagt nej till förhandlingar som ska leda till fred och ett fastställande av den legala statliga ägorätten av Judeen/Samarien/Gaza efter det Ottomanska Rikets fall. Däremot existerar där inga "1967 års gränser" - det var stilleståndslinjer som råkade hamna där de gjorde, och araberna har fortfarande inte förklarat varför de vill detta nu när det var vad som fick dom att gemensamt anfalla Israel. Detta ska bestämmas genom förhandlingar den gång palestinaaraberna har en regering som inte är definierade som terrorister enligt deras egna stadgar. Varken Hamas eller PLO är kvalifierade.

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