När jag har något att säga säjer jag det här, om jag inte säger det någon annanstans. Politik, mera om Asien än om Västvärlden eftersom jag ofta känner mej mindre främmande där. Sometimes English, sometimes Swedish depending on what kind of keyboard and my state of mind.


Börjar Israel ta sej själv på allvar?

Israel har inte tagit själv på allvar sedan Oslosnacket började 1993. Araberna har sett hur Israel har kontinuerligt försvagats, Peres och Arafat, ärketerroristen, kysstes och vilken smitta Arafat överförde vete deras gudar, Barak rusade iväg från Södra Libanon och lämnade en stor grupp människor där, vars säkerhet garanterades av israelerna, i sticket - och Hizbollah såg omedelbart sin chans att börja stapla projektiler längs gränsen. Samma idioti hände under Sharon för mindre än ett år sen - och det krävs bra skitiga kontaktlinser för att inte se hur glada terroristerna har blivit, hur de nästan mangrant högt har berättat vilket svaghetstecken det är hos Israel - Hamas blev valt på det.

Här är några "vad var det vi sa!"

Steven Plaut
upprepar det gärna (och ger länkar).

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The End of Israel's "Peace Through Weakness"

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Netanyahu: "I told you so"

Något tidigare sa han detta.

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Ayn Rand Institute Press Release
(Kommer nog snart till http://www.aynrand.org/site/PageServer?pagename=media_pressreleases )
Israel Should Wage a Real War
July 19, 2006

Irvine, CA--What will it take for Israel to wage a real war? How many more
Israelis will have to be murdered, kidnapped, or maimed?

Israel says the killing and kidnapping of Israelis by Islamic terror
groups Hezbollah and Hamas are acts of war. But is Israel prepared to wage
a real war in self-defense?

Hezbollah and Hamas have been launching attacks against Israelis for
decades--yet Israel has not used its military capability to inflict
massive destruction on these groups and obliterate the terrorist states
that harbor and sponsor them.

"It is long past time for Israel to wage a real war against these
terrorist groups and states," said Dr. Yaron Brook, executive director of
the Ayn Rand Institute.

"And it is long past time for the United States to join Israel in waging
this war."

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Lönar sej USA:s investeringar i Israel?

1) First of all, about 85% of the money Israel receives in military aid must be spent in the U.S., where it provides jobs for an estimated 50,000 American workingmen.
2) Conversely, total exports from the 50 United States to Israel between 1991and 2005 was $95.4 billion—more than twice the $45 billion Israel received in U.S. aid during this period. The annual average of U.S. exports to Israel was $6.4 billion, more than twice the average American aid package. In 2005 the total exports to Israel from the 50 states was $18.5 billion—more than six times the U.S. military-economic aid package!
By the way: the $2.6 billion Israel received from the U.S last year amounts to less than 2% of Israel’s Gross Domestic Product—currently more than $135 billion. Israel could easily dispense with this aid if massive tax evasion were curtailed along with the notorious corruption and inefficiency of Israel’s government. But this is only the tip of iceberg of U.S. dependence on Israel.
3) According to Gen. George Keegan, a former chief of U.S. Air Force Intelligence, between 1974 and 1990, Israeli aid to America was worth between $50-80 billion in intelligence, research and development savings, Soviet weapons systems captured and transferred to the Pentagon, and testing Soviet military doctrines up to 1990, when the USSR collapsed. Senator Daniel Inouye recently put it this way: “The contribution made by Israeli intelligence to America is greater than that provided by all NATO countries combined.”

Now a few points from a report of Yoram Ettinger, a consultant on U.S.-Israel relations.
4) Every day, Israel relays to the U.S. lessons of battle and counter-terrorism, which reduce American losses in Iraq and Afghanistan, prevent attacks on U.S. soil, upgrade American weapons, and contribute to the U.S. economy. Innovative Israeli technologies boost U.S. industries.

5) The vice president of the company that produces the F16 fighter jets told Ettinger that Israel is responsible for 600 improvements in the plane’s systems, modifications estimated to be worth billions of dollars, which spared dozens of research and development years.

6) Without Israel, the U.S. would have to deploy tens of thousands of American troops in the eastern Mediterranean Basin, at a cost of billions of dollars a year.

7) In 1981, Israel bombed the Iraqi nuclear reactor, providing the U.S. with the option of engaging in conventional wars with Iraq in 1991 and 2003 and preventing a possible nuclear war and a terrible price of thousands killed.
8) In 2005, Israel provided America with the world’s most extensive experience in homeland defense and warfare against suicide bombers and car bombs. American soldiers train in IDF facilities and Israeli-made drones fly above the Sunni Triangle in Iraq, as well as in Afghanistan, providing U.S. Marines with vital intelligence which saves many American lives.
All this intelligence and technological aid Israel provides the U.S is going to go down the tubes—and American lives are going to be lost and impoverished—if the U.S. fails Israel in this Islamic war against civilization. Hezbollah leader Sheikh Nazrallah, who invoked the name of Allah, rightly said this is a conflict between Islam and Zionism—it’s either us or them. It’s a war to the death—a religious war which Israeli leaders lack the courage to assert and thus prompt Americans to face the truth about the enemy.
It’s ironic that Israel wouldn’t need U.S. military aid were it not for huge American arms sales to Saudi Arabia and Egypt. U.S. aid to Israel creates a demand for, and the purchase of, tens of billions of dollars worth of U.S. weaponry by these and other Arab states. U.S. grants to Israel—far from imposing a burden on the American tax-payer—actually enriches the American economy!
American Congressmen and corporations know this. They have a vested interest in opposing any sanctions against Israel if its government were to take a more independent and vigorous stand against its enemies. I attribute Israel’s failure to do so primarily to the intellectual poverty and timidity of Israeli prime ministers, whose policy of self-restraint and territorial retreat encourages the enemy, prolongs the bloodshed, and endangers Israel’s existence.

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När kan man börja fredsförhandla realistiskt?

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Israel tar ut lastbilar med långdistansraketer på väg till Hizbollah även inom Syrien. Uppskattningsvis har 50% av Hizbollahs raketpark förstörts.

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I går kom 250 nya nordamerikanska judar som invandrare till sitt hemland, Israel. En del flyttar omedelbart upp till norra Israel. Samtidigt som 20 miljoner muslimer har flyttat upp till Europa. Tänk efter vad det innebär!

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Från en Think Tank i Jerusalem: "En hög talesman för Iran berättade nyligen förl västdiplomater i Londonhuyr viktigt Hizballah är för iran: "Hizballah är en av hörnpelarna i vår säkerhetsstrategi, och utgör Irans första försvarslinje mot Israel." Walid Jumblatt, den libanesiska drusledaren, säger sammalunda: "Kriget är inte länge Libanons krig - det är ett iranskt krig. Iran säger till USA: Vill du slåss i Gulfområdet och förstöra vårt kärnvapenprogram? Vi slår mot mål närmare oss, mot Israel."

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