Dec. 13
Should add the latest, then send it to the blog. Written offline so far.
First pic is where you come in to this area of low houses. Second pic is the entries to the rooms, mine is O4 if you wonder....
Small things good and bad all the time. I got the internet working with the Nokia phone, 460kbps, which is soso, rather cheap. Bought 3000 minutes when I came, more than 2000 left, to be used within a month. Also bought 50 international SMS, gone long time ago of course. So the question is: how to refill??? After some research I THINK I can call a service

The fat lady carried in a 20-liter - I think - plastic bottle of drinking water, much cheaper than buying it liter by liter in the shop, but how to get the water up??? Well, the little blonded slant-eyed cute helper - her daughter? - thou minimal English - came with a pump, she succeeded in getting up some water, I did not, so today she came, tested and said she would fix a better pump. I CAN pour up water sort of, but not the elegant way and just in a big cup, not the bottles suitable for the fridge.......
Slept appr 5 hours, up already at 9AM, maybe too hot - the fan was standing in a static position not directed at me, maybe I put it wrong when going to bed. So soon naptime, will try to go downwards at 5 or so to see how far it is.
Dec 11
Agree, nothing written here, it has been a mess, sort of expected mess but now finally I have found peace.
I just sent off answers of assorted mails, ought to make a summary here.
Anyway, for a change and as my friend Micke has talked about all year, he has planned to spend more time in Pattaya, also I feel he got more Swedish friends there, also a reason, maybe also a greater chance to get a job. He is like me, disability pensioner, very different, in a way better in a way worse. Externally rather big and strong and knows things of use here, like different kinds of industrial installations - so he tries to find something there with sensible pay. He fixed a one-year visa, no idea how long he is gonna stay. He has to go home in the middle to visit his doctor, then back again probably.
A few days ago I met him in Bangkok where he went to say welcome to me - and I also got a chance to meet his new gf, they like each other so who knows.
But he found no good place there for me, and I started to think of Samui again, he knew a good place there that I never saw, Yui called down there and they had a room free on the ground floor so - well, I came there tonight! It feels very good, like the old place a few blocks away, actually did a few years ago. Before they built noisy bars/discos outside and a stone wall against the flooding but troublesome for me to get over. Just a big stone to step on, nothing to hold in. There they also seemed to lose interest for those rooms as they built a hotel nearby with much more expensive rooms, sigh. 2 years ago still some people living there but not like before, with people sitting at the tables outside in the evening, talking, drinking.
The minibus from the airport, I was the last passenger the driver had problems to get rid of me, he called this place three times on my phone before finding it. He almost passed my old one, looked rather different. Should take a walk down there one day. The fat friendly lady caretaker waited of us at the main road (hot very "main" admittedly) and then she took my backpack on her back and dragged my black suitcase in on a little gravel road and to the place, Kulatida House, and the door to my room was open and waiting among the flowers..... She was a bit worried about my not very stable walking but what the heck, I came here to stabilize it somewhat! She asked if I needed anything, so she took the motorcycle and went to the farmacy to get a little bottle of "blue alcohol" and cotton as my big toe was bleeding a little - must have kicked someone but as I do not feel anything anymore with my feet - like any guy with lepra, losing pieces of himself because he does not feel damage anymore.
Yui called here yesterday and they sort of expected her to come later to keep order of me, so I had to make them disappointed.
Different parta of Thailand are so very different. Bangkkok big big city - even though I seldom go to the center, keep to my tiny corner where anyway most stuff is to be found. Samui is to a high degree a Wild East, everything a mix, the road from the airport - ha, remember when I went to Penang 2 years ago to renew the visa, also that a tropical island,I don't know exactly the relation of sizes, but there it was a highway of 5-6 lanes at the airport, at Samui, a small jungle path where it is hard to pass motorcyklists..... Especially when people try to do it from both directions at the same time. Ah well, it mostly works.
Along the little road you find everything, small shops, hospitals for humans and animals, a catholic church, restaurants, cheap and expensive hotels. Somewhere midway on the way to Lamai the road goes up a little and you got a nice view over the sea - and they were actually improving the road there, with asphalt machines taking up almost all the road huh.
Mo Dec 7
Next morning. Tried a little bit more to connect, seems I got the Bluetooth pairing ok by putting in the same PIN code in both laptop and phone, still no connect internet. Very irritating, paid 600B in the airport for one month.......
Amp & bf have had no success in getting jobs as nurses here, even German-speaking ones, very low status job here and low pay. So they go back to Germany soon.
Sun. Dec. 6
Going out in a few minutes, down to Popiang as always...... Will meet Amp and her new German boyfriend - both newly examined nurses in Germany, now looking for jobs here in Bangkok. I have known Amp for many years, a Thai girl of course.
No success in getting the Mobile phone to work as internet server, sigh. Yui got it working last summer with this laptop but her Nokia phone, should have brought her but......
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