När jag har något att säga säjer jag det här, om jag inte säger det någon annanstans. Politik, mera om Asien än om Västvärlden eftersom jag ofta känner mej mindre främmande där. Sometimes English, sometimes Swedish depending on what kind of keyboard and my state of mind.



05:30AM on the ninth of December

Bedtime, just went up a little as it was too stuffy in here, put on the aircon that makes it too cold. Just now 24.5º, maybe I keep it on and put on the jeans shirt to sleep in.

A rather normal day, downloaded 150-200 mails of all kinds, then food at Popiang. Today 5 giant shrimps, drank lemon juice, rather good with my sore throat.

Sitting hanging there one can see rather strange figures. Tonight an old guy, less skin than many good old skeletons, contemplating ordering food. He ordered ONE shrimp, but then just walked away. Apparently the thought overwhelmed him. I saw him a bit later returning with a small bag from 7/11. Maybe he hd been off buying one tooth pick.

So - 2 days, then I am on Samui, nice.... I surely hope I will get a nice room there, and then stay for 3 months to relax and work. I have 10 CD:s of old documents, that I have made an OCR run on, so I have them in the computer as text, not as pictures, but it is from 100 years old paper, and rather rough, so lots of editing is needed. I did this Linné project the last few months, but now I will go back to that kind of projects - saving the history for the future is not too bad! Those pages on bad paper, are falling apart, so either they are saved soon or they are lost for good. Doing things like that, something that hopefully will last for a long time, feels more satisfying than just getting money for it.

Dec. 9, breakfast

Damn! This morning I woke up with pain in my side! Is there no end of my trouble? I am just letting the breakfast sink in, then I have to decide if I should find my way to a hospital. So damn tired of the whole shit! Wonder how much trouble it is to get fastest ticket home. That is what I want just now. Too many decisions: I should have done this and tnat: I should never have gone with heavy flu, I had insurance so I could have canceled the ticket. I should not have bought ticket to Samui 2 days ago..... and waited here for a few more days to see. Ah well, if the pain does not abate, I have to go to hospital today for a checkup, guess any taxi driver can take me to a hospital. I do not know my anatomy, maybe the pain is reaction on my medicines, whatever. Do I not have a kidney r appendix there somewhere?

Dec 10, same meal

Ah well - the cute doc did not find anything significantly wrong with me yesterday, above general senility and crappiness, thou I had 38.5º of fever, nothing that a few well placed Paracetamol cannot fix. She could not identify any deadly internal damages that should make pain, and gave some anti-inflammatory concoction, some general do-all.

I woke up with my sick three fingers all numb, like useless sausages, so made 100 of the proscribed movements with the arm to try to increase the life in them. Been too lazy with that - now they are back to their normal semi-comatose existence, so at least I feel they are there when I say Good Morning to them. I got them remitted to the hand surgery one month before leaving but the atrocious state of health care in Sweden, you can guess that they only had time half a year later even if my fingers are strangled to death! Carpal Tunnel Syndrome they call it - the channel at the wrist is too small for its swollen nerves etc., and should be dug up.

Now, hm, a little of the noodle soup on the floor, better clean it up. Sat at the bed - hm, still some soup there, RED soup??? Who has red soup here around? ME! Crime suspected!!!

Hm, second smallest toe, not so important- I must have kicked into something as it is on the top side. But sort of strange. Meteorite???

With my unending line of near-disasters on this trip - watch out for the 3PM plane tomorrow Bangkok-Samui. If it has been digested by the sharks you know the reason. I must have been a real PIGGG in my last life huh?!?!

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Ska prova det där med password igen...

Anonym sa...

Jaha, då funkar det. Man ska tydligen sova på saken och sedan är det lätt som en plätt.
Fått långa mail från Yui och det enda felet med henne är att hon är i Lund och inte i Thailand. Nu är hon nunna i Eslöv i stället.
... köpt en tandpetare! Ja, varför ska man slösa.
Se nu till att inte missa planet till Samui. Bangkoks bakgator verkar ju inte ha gillat dej något vidare i år.