I sit here, read, write, think. A rather sensible combination. 33°C, so I put on the fan, but moved it so it does not blow too strongly on me - from under the fan a 3 cm black baby lizard decided to relocate to some other more favoured position.
I am somewhat worried that my feet are a bit swollen - it can have several reasons. They are always somewhat swollen because of my bad kidneys only running at half speed, so I take medicine for that together with all blood pressure pills - the problem is of course why it has been swelling up more the last few days. But as long as there is no pain and double-sided, it is not a recurrency of the Charcot foot that troubled me 3-4 years ago and made me first walk with the foot in a cast for 3 months or so, like it was broken, to stabilize the situation. After that I walked for - was it one or two years - with a "simulated cast", a hard booth (leather orthosis) that worked like the plaster thing but was removable at night. And then when in Thailand I started to use my special sandals more and more - also the sandals made by orthopedist from an imprint of my feet so they should support the foot properly. Now I only use those sandals. If one foot starts to pain me, THEN it might have come back, and it might be either foot. Remember that when I had walked with the sandal until summer, then that foot started to swell a bit - still no pain - and I put on that orthosis for a while until that was down - the doc said it had been the right thing to do. Last winter when I packed the big travel bag, before the insane Insurance Office stopped me from going on my health trip, I had packed that orthosis in the bag, but not this winter.
I simultaneously make another trip - putting clickable links on the Skåne map going with my work to put Linné's "Travel in Skåne [southern Sweden]" in 1749, this special copy where a guy in Skåne has made a lot of marginal notes a few years after the first version of that book was published - it is still reprinted. A reasonably unique project. It can continue to be developed, as there is more material, letters etc. written about that trip that was never included in the book. Hopefully the web design company of my wife Yui, http://mmwebdesign.no-ip.info, will get that job from the Archive too.
I was surprised when going out yesterday evening [this is the first thing I see when I come out from my room: down right is then the main village road, over that and via a small road towards the sea.]

The other direction towards the mountainous middle of the island looks sort of different.
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