Ett trick: allt fler tidningar försöker tjäna lite extra på att ta betalt för att komma åt deras arkiv, ej dagsfärska artiklar. Är det en bra artikel så sök helt enkelt efter rubriken och författaren i den vanliga sökmotorn - sannolikheten är stor att någon har kopierat den och lagt den någon annanstans. Kom ihåg att man, om man söker efter flera ord i en mening eller rubrik, ska sätta citationstecken "före och efter" så söks just efter de orden tillsammans.
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Arabiska knessetledamöter och landsförrädare i Israel fortsätter att uttrycka sin kärlek för arabiska terrorister - men jag har aldrig någonsin hört att de har försökt bidra till freden i Mellanöstern.
Jamal Zahalka i nyheterna i torsdags: "ja men Hizb'Allah är ju ett politiskt parti, varför slutar vi inte kriga med dom?"
Abdulmalik Dehamshe tyckte att "endast Hamas kan erbjuda fred".
Talab el-Sana mötte nyligen Hamasmedlemmar.
För övrigt, en del uttalanden av arabiska knessetmedlemmar har samlats
här. Du kan också söka på
Arab MK.* * *
Anteckningar av en israelisk soldat, sänt till Naomi Ragen:
Notes from Zachary Taylor a soldier in the Nachal Haredi
Unit, sent to me by his mother.
People jump to conclusions about the Israeli leadership and
their strategies concerning Gaza and Lebanon. First of all,
do not believe anything you read in a foreign newspaper or
even half of the Israeli ones about this current situation.
For example, just a few months ago an Arab Family in Gaza
was killed on a beach. The Palestinians said the Israelis
did the killing, as did international media. After research
it was shown that in no way whatsovever was it an Israeli
bomb that murdered that family, but a bomb that was left by
HAMAS. However, by then, we lost the sympathies of world
media, and Olmert apologized prematurely for something that
Israel did not even do.
In Lebanon, you must understan that Hizbollah is not a
"faction" it is part of the government. As we have seen
lately as the puppet Lebonese government has come out and
declared itself as defenseless aganist Hizbollah. However,
that is not the case. Civilians in Beirut are handing out
cakes and cookies as a celebration of the 8 dead Israeli
soldiers and the two kidnapped ones.
What I have learned in three months of being at checkpoints
is something I call the middle eastern personality which is
common in both Arabs and middle easterners. People who visit
Israel have experienced it here too. It is the attitude that
"I gotta get for me what I can at the expense of almost
everyone else." The expression in Hebrew is to "work"
someone. At the checkpoints people come and cry or claim
they are sick and need to go to the hospital, or have
important meetings, all in an attempt to get us to let them
pass quickly into Israel. Most of the cases are false, and
just the way to "work" or "hustle" the soldiers at the
checkpoint. Most of this is witnessed by the Women in Black,
who for some reason, believe these stories and only take the
position of the Arabs, never that the soldiers are trying to
protect the citizens of Israel from potential terrorists.
So, the Arab citizens play up these stories to "work" the
hearts and minds of the "human rights" activists and the
media. These people do not learn through discussion or
compromise because of Middle Eastern culture. Look at the
history now in every Arab country about their ability to
compromise where it be honor killing, jihad terrorism,
constant civil war, pillaging and rape and all the other
cultural riches of the Arab world. It is not within their
mentality which has been nurtured thought history to
compromise civilly. (This does not in any way reflect on all
Muslims or Arabs) However, it is the typical behavior you
witness in the Arab marketplaces in Egypt and Israel If you
have been to these marketplaces, then you will understand
what I am talking about.
Israel is a westernized and Jewish society which is all
about discussion, analysis, and compromise Just look at the
Talmud! What Israel is coming to realize now because of
recent events and "compromises" such as leaving Gaza (while
Israel reaps the rewards of daily punishment by missiles
hitting several major cities such as Ashkelon and Sderot.
Our Jewish naivete is that everyone is nice and perfect and
can be dealt with through diplomacy. This is not true. Our
enemies learn one way and the one and only way is through
the language of war and the language of the sword. We did
not set it up that way, they have. And now, going into
Lebanon and destroying all of Hizbollah and their
infrastructure and their supporters with a firm, unwavering
hand is the only way. We were in Southern Lebanon for 20
years and there was "peace in the North" only when we
"compromised" and pulled out. Our soldiers are getting
kidnapped and missiles now fall on Haifa.
Now you have to understand the Arab guerilla tactics, both
Palestinian and Lebanese. They never fight in a battle field
like a normal army. They retreat to civilian villages and
cities and hide their until they poke their nose out of some
window and shoot some anti tank or aircraft missile. So for defense,
and I say DEFENSE forces, to succeed they must battle them
even if they are in civilian territory. Again, We did not
decide that, they did. So when civilians are killed
unintentionally it is because THEY decided that it should be
that way.
The world is full of naive bleeding hearts that will bash
Israel for doing what it has been FORCED to do. They forget
the fact that when soldier go into an Arab town for the sole
purpose of finding a group of terrorists, the "civilians"
are suddenly not so civil. They have guns, they throw
Molotov cocktails, and rocks, big large cement blocks at
soldiers. That is what we experience everyday in Gaza, the
West Bank and Lebanon. We are fighting a guerilla and
civilian army at ALL times. Suicide bombers are not part of
an army they are civilians. There has never been a war
fought like this in the history of humankind. But the
"lefties" and even some on the right and the people who are
not even connected and oblivious, including the
international community think they have the right to tell
Israel how to act, how to respond! Do you know why so many
soldiers die in the West Bank, Gaza and Lebanon? Not because
the enemy's army is better, they are not even close to the
IDF. We have better equipment, more equipment, better
training, so how is it that soldiers are kidnapped and
killed? That's a good question. It is because the left and
the international community is keeping such a close look,
and bias toward Israel's defense tactics, that are hands are
tied in defending ourselves properly. We take so many
dangerous steps in order to protect civilians, that in
return, we are killed and kidnapped. Did you know that at
the Lebanon Border for the last ten years, because of
"International" pressure, that if you see 500 Hizbollah
terrorists with AK47's and rocket launchers and missiles
coming up to the actual border fence, 50 feet from the
Israel soldiers, 50 feet from Israel's soil, that the IDF
cannot fire unless they fire first! They can aim, set up
shop 50 feet from you, but until they fire and shoot at you,
the Israeli soldiers cannot defend themselves. Is that
logical? No, it is insane. The only reason why so many
Israeli's both civilian and military are dying is explicitly
the fault of the International Leftist agenda. The Left
likes to see the minority win, even if it is Hamas and
Hezbollah. We can only defend ourselves the way of the
sword. Do not let anyone tell you anything differently. As I
and the other soldiers and Israeli citizens have personal
stakes in the matter, and as a supporter of the Jewish
homeland, you do too.
Am Yisrael Chai!
Zachary Rowen Taylor 20 years old.
(Zacharia Ben Abraham)
Nachal Haredi Unit, Beit Shean, July 16, 2006
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Mer från Naomi Ragen:
Over a million Israeli children are spending their
summer vacation listening to rockets falling, hearing
horrifying sirens, watching their fathers put on their
uniforms to go to the front, and experiencing the dispersion
of their families, as fathers remain to care for farms and
businesses while mothers and children go South. No one
mentions this in all the " growing "concern about the
humanitarian crisis" that the war has created. Pretty
one-sided coverage. A call-in children's program on Israeli
tv featuring a child psychologist answered their questions.
Meshi from Safad, who was afraid of the sirens and the
falling rockets, was told to breathe deeply during an
attack. In between, she was advised to call her friends, to
make a joke contest with her Mom, to color or paint. Meital
from Beersheva, whose father has left for the front and who
was in tears, was advised by a girl her age -also on the
program, the daughter of a career army officer -- not to
watch the news, to find games she enjoyed, to try to find
someone in the neighborhood who needed help - a new
immigrant, an elderly person, a child new to the
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Murder, martyrdom and blood libels are themes of Al Manar TV station
attacked by Israel
By Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on Thursday condemned Israel for bombing the Hizbullah TV station Al-Manar, saying, "The bombing of Al-Manar is a clear demonstration that Israel has a policy of using violence to silence media it does not agree with." [IFJ General Secretary Aidan White, July 14, 2006, IFJ Web site]
To clarify to PMW subscribers, Al Manar television broadcasts not only material that Israel "does not agree with," but some of the most loathsome hate broadcasting in the world, which we are surprised the IFJ would condone. This has included using cartoons to encourage children to seek death as Martyrs, presenting Jews using Christian children's blood for Matzah as factual, and presenting the killing of Israel's Jews as God's will.
Click below to see these examples from Al Manar TV broadcasts:
1. Cartoons brainwashing children to die as Shahids (Martyrs for Allah).
2. A drama, presented as historical fact, in which Jews slit the throat of a Christian child to get blood for Passover Matzah.
3. Religious leader presenting the conquering and killing of the Jews of Israel by Muslims as God's goal.
To see more examples from Al Manar click here to PMW archives.
The following are the full transcripts:
1. Cartoons brainwashing children to die as Shahids (Martyrs for Allah):
Enemies harm us
Oh children, cry Allah Akbar
You are the aim and the concern,
let your stone pour out blood
Your land is your honor and is what matters
It is your promise and your friend
My book has turned into a stone.
With it I repel the treacherous
My book has turned into a stone
With it I repel the treacherous
It is small like (the boy)
But its effect is great.
Purify yourself,
Pray and set out
Your blood perfumes that soil of your land
Your name will be engraved on heaven’s door
I swear my loyalty to you, Al Aqsa
I swear my loyalty to you, Jerusalem
I may miss a lesson
But my love for you itself is a lesson
Come out of every tunnel, window and door
Join your stone to mine.
Shooting doesn’t scare us
[child falls to the ground]
The dear (child) has fulfilled his desire,
Achieving the honor of Martyrdom,
He is not considered dead
He who dies for his country
2. A drama, presented as historical fact, in which Jews slit the throat of a Christian child to get blood for Passover Matzah.
The blood of Christian child for Passover Matzah
Scene I:
Two men talking.
Rabbi (speaking to a young man seated next to him): We have a task from the leadership. We need the blood of a Christian child before Passover for matza.
Scene II:
Dimly lit hallway. Rabbi with young man behind him. A third man enters dragging a child.
Christian child: Nathan save me!
Nathan: Don't be afraid.
Rabbi nods to the young man who nods to Nathan. Nathan forces the child down onto the floor and cuts his throat. Someone catches the blood in a bowl.
Scene III:
Rabbi and young man standing eating matzo. While chewing they nod to one another as if to say, We have done what we need to do.
3. Religious leader presenting the conquering and killing of the Jews of Israel by Muslims as God's goal.
Muhammad Ali Deputy Director of the Palestinian Clerics Association in Lebanon, Al-Manar, Aug. 19, 2005:
"The Prophet [Muhammad] foretold:
'The Resurrection will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims will kill them, and the stone and tree will say: 'Oh, Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew. It means of course the occupying Zionist Jew: 'there is a Jew behind me,come and kill him'. We will enter [Israel] as conquerors Allah willing, and will enter as liberators, not through negotiations, but through Jihad and resistance [terror], because the Hadith goes: 'The Muslims will kill them' - there is a killing operation."
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