”Olmert bör dömas för mord!”
Hans uppträdande blir allt vansinnigare. World Net Daily skriver den 19 juni ”Prime Minister Olmert accessory to murder?”
http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=50693 om detta, det otroliga i att Olmert och hans regering ger stora mängder vapen till Abbas terroristgrupp – som redan har använts till att döda judar med. Man får förmoda att han har givit som villkor att endast nationalistgruppen av judar får dödas, de som bor i ”bosättningar”.
På samma ställe skriver araben Joseph Farah om vansinnet, hur Egypten försökte tala om för Olmert att hans frenetiska försök att göra hela Västbanken till en raketramp mot Israel hotar hela Mellanöstern. http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=50544 ”How crazy, irrational, counterproductive, suicidal and stupid is Israel's plan to ethnically cleanse most of Judea and Samaria of Jews in hopes of achieving peace with Jew haters?”
Manhigut Yehudit, del mest nationalistiska delen av likud med Moshe Feiglin i spetsen säger också http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news.php3?id=105535 samma sak.
Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) "sees the prime minister, the defense minister, the justices of the High Court of Justice, and any officer and soldier involved in the transfer of weapons to the murderer Abu Mazen and his gang as accessories to the murder of Jews," the movement's statement said.
I Al-Jazeera har Olmerts tiggarstråt till Frankrike titeln ”
Olmert says border plan 'unstoppable' ” http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/2AB5A576-73E2-4AB5-B9DF-80E7AB0F49E7.htm även om de är ärligare än jag har sett svensk press vara genom att tala om att israelerna inte gillar idiotin, se http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/85C434D1-D377-42FC-96D1-94A7EE686E75.htm
Andra nyheter.
Varor från Gaza kommer i en stadig ström in till Israel, se The Boston Globe http://www.boston.com/news/world/middleeast/articles/2006/06/05/palestinian_goods_begin_steady_flow_into_israel/
Peres har gjort bort sej igen. Han tycker inte att raketregnet över Sderot är nåt att bry sej om. ”Vi har väl varit med om värre och klarat oss . . .” var hans idiotiska kommentar, som självklart fick människorna där att flyga i taket.Nu har han insett att han än en gång har försagt sej, http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1150355531069&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull Det är konstigt hur vissa människor gärna byter åsikt helt och hållet när så passar sig av skilda skäl. Han, liksom Sharon, insåg att judiska byar, ”bosättningar” var nödvändiga tills han plötsligt svängde om av vissa skäl. Sen började araber och deras eget skinn bli viktigare än judar för dom, som om araberna behövde Israels beskydd.
Palestinierna skär bort bitar av svårt skadade personer för att inte bli avslöjade, vad gäller bomben på stranden i Gaza som alla har hört om vid dethär laget. De som fortfarande tror att Israel är den skyldiga på något sätt när palestinerna omedelbart förbjöd Israel att undersöka stället, men sände de skadade till Israel efter att ha skurit bort så mycket avslöjande som möjligt..... tja, läs här:
(Communicated by the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Spokeswoman)
Tuesday, 20 June, 2006
Rania Niham, who was wounded in the Gaza beach incident on 9.6.06 (
http://www.gogalil.com/beach606.html), and who was brought to the Tel
Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (www.tasmc.org.il/main/siteNew/index.php?langId=1 )
for treatment, has regained consciousness. She suffers from injuries to her upper
limbs and stomach; her condition is still defined as serious.
She arrived at the hospital in Tel Aviv in very serious condition, unconscious,
suffering from severe injuries and with numerous cuts over her entire body as a
result of surgical interventions prior to her arrival at the hospital and which
do not correspond to the injuries she suffered.
In response to questions that have been directed to the Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center in recent days by various media outlets, we would like to make
it clear that no fragments were found in her body except for one fragment that
is inaccessible to surgery; it is also clear - beyond all doubt - that part of
her injuries were caused by fragments.
This combination is not routine and does not correspond to our accumulated
medical experience as a result of having treated hundreds of patients who
were wounded in terrorist attacks and by bombs and who usually arrive with
fragments in various places throughout their bodies.
In such cases, standard medical practice is not to search for or extract the
fragments unless they constitute an immediate danger to the patient.
This is also the reason that, in most cases, fragments remain in the
patients' bodies, frequently for the rest of their lives.
Posted by Dr. Mike Cohen http://www.gogalil.com
Muslimerna fortsätter att förstöra den Judiska Tempelplatsen
visar hur de hade förstört det redan för ett antal år sedan. Detta upprop kom just:
Dear Friend of Jerusalem,
For a decade, Muslim religious authorities have participated in the destruction and elimination of precious Jewish and Christian artifacts on the site of Solomon's Temple, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Help us preserve the Temple Mount!
The destruction continues to this day. Thousands of tons of earth, containing archaeological evidence dating back to the period of the Temple of Solomon, were discarded. Among the 'rubble' were ancient seals from a Priestly family, inscribed pottery fragments in Ancient Hebrew, Alter screens and broken columns from a fourth century Byzantine Church.
Since the year 2000, the Muslim religious authority – the Waqf – has blocked all archaeological oversight of the Temple Mount. Instead, the Waqf is constructing Mosques on these sacred sites of Jews and Christians.
One Jerusalem recently met with renowned Israeli archaeologists and discussed the extent of the damage. The facts are astounding. We urge you to sign the following Temple Mount Petition. The petition will be presented to President George Bush and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. One Jerusalem Chairman Natan Sharansky has already gathered a great deal of media attention, when he announced the petition through major blog circuits.
Please sign this important petition (just 2-clicks!) and encourage others to do so as well.
President, One Jerusalem
Se även http://www.danielpipes.org/article/3676
Hm, och vad gör regeringen Olmert?....... Stort skämt.
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