Rätt intressant – vad som har tvingat Olmert att starta ett aktivt krig. 1000 raketanfall bryr han sig inte om, men en soldat – som mycket väl kan ha varit död sen en kvart efter det att araberna tog honom till fånga – DÅ anser han att han har världsopinionen på sin sida.
Nå, jag ska inte döma förrän jag ser hur det hela slutar. Är han bara en liten liten gnutta smart håller han kvar bevakningen, the Philadelphi Route, gränsen mellan Egypten och Gaza, folk gnäller ju ändå att Israel inte har lämnat Gaza trots att de har det, eftersom de inte får göra exakt vad de vill. Ingen har förbjudit dem att odla mat i sina fina växthus, för att mätta egna magar, eller importera mat från Egypten.
Fortsättning av händelserna, se här. Kofi Annan ringde just Olmert och sa åt honom att ta det lugnt med araberna – han ringde aldrig när 1000 raketer ramlade ner i Israel, avlossade av demsamma, han ringde inte när Israel attackerades i en regelrätt krigshandling söndagsmorgon, alldeles för tidigt för vanliga hederliga människor att vara uppe och kriga på.
Kriget går på flera fronter. En är Internet – ett gäng marockanska hackers har attackerat mer än 750 websites och ställt till med en hel del trassel. Ett gäng av judiska hackers borde definitivt slå sej samman och ta hand om Radio Islam och Hamas’ webbställen.
På samma ställe hittade jag en pedagogisk bild som bör användas av svenska barnuppfostrare på vänsterkanten:
| Collateral Damage Waiting to Happen If anything happens to these kids, who do you think will be blamed?  Palestinian militants from the military wing of Hamas set up an explosive device in preparation for a possible Israeli army ground operation in Gaza Strip June 27, 2006. REUTERS/Ahmed Jadallah (PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES) |
Lönar sej pro-israeliska bloggar?
Svara på frågorna här, och se statistiken.
BBC och terrorister? Nah.
I HonestReportings senaste bulletin, http://www.honestreporting.com/ berättar de hur BBC sk-ter i undersökningarna som visar att de vägrar använda ordet terrorist om terrorister.
4 israeliska F16-jet väckte den syriska chefen i hans sommarpalats i Latakia på onsdagsmorgonen, som en påminnelse att det inte är särskilt bra för honom att hysa Hamasledaren Khaled Meshaal i Damaskus särskilt länge till. Det gjorde inte Assad glad. Israel har också gått in i norra Gaza för att rensa bland raketramperna i köken hos terroristerna.
By Steven Plaut
Quick, take a fast current events quiz: 1. Since the start of the Palestinian "intifada", how many innocent Palestinian civilians have been intentionally murdered by Israel?
2. Since the start of the Palestinian "intifada", how many innocent
Israeli civilians have been intentionally murdered by the PLO, the Hamas, and their affiliates?
Now if you have been relying on the mainstream media, you will be forgiven for not knowing the correct answers to those two questions. The correct answer to the first question is "zero", and the correct answer to the second question is "All of them!"
That's right. Not a single innocent Palestinian has been intentionally killed by Israel during the past two decades of "intifada" violence. But every single one of the hundreds of Jewish civilians killed was an intentional act of Palestinian murder.
Sure, plenty of guilty Palestinians have been killed, and these include murderers, leaders in terror organizations, rank and file terrorists, and people setting up rocket launchers to fire at Jewish civilians. And sure, there have also been innocent Palestinian civilians who were killed or injured when the Jews shot back. These are people who were killed in the same Israeli anti-terror operations necessitated by Palestinian terrorist aggression and atrocities.
There is a fundamental difference, however, between Palestinian civilians getting killed in anti-terror operations and reprisals by Israel and Israeli civilians, who are killed by Palestinian Islamofascists. The Palestinian dead are unintended collateral damage from operations aimed at stopping rocket attacks and other terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians. True, Israeli anti-terror operations are not so "surgically exact" that only guilty terrorists get killed in them. I am quite sure that if and when such a precise military technology is invented, for killing only guilty terrorists when they hide among innocent civilians, Israel will be the first country on earth to adopt it. However, until then, when Palestinians intentionally target and murder Jewish civilians, innocent Palestinian civilians may suffer the consequences of Arab terror.
Jewish civilians are ALWAYS the target of Palestinian terror. Israeli soldiers hurt by the terrorists are generally the unintended collateral damages.
Israel suffers from a fundamental strategic problem, which damages its ability to defend itself, namely, the fact that modern Hebrew does not have a linguistic equivalent to the American slang expression "Tough!"
True, it has some words for "What a Shame," but they do not quite convey the same meaning. As a result, Israeli politicians generally fail to respond to whines from the world about Palestinian civilians getting hurt in counter-terror operations by saying, "Tough!"
There has never been a war in which only soldiers get killed, and there does not exist a weapons technology that allows military strikes to take place in an exact manner where no civilians near military targets ever get hurt. Such surgical precision is all the more impossible when terrorists intentionally hide within and behind civilian populations. International law recognizes the rights of countries at war to attack terrorists and even soldiers when they are hiding among civilians, even when such attacks produce civilian deaths. International law assigns blame for those deaths on the belligerents who use the civilians as their "human shields". As well it should.
When German civilians were killed in massive allied bombing of Germany in World War II, when schools with German children were blown to bits, the American command did not send out forensics crews to examine whether the shell or bomb had really come from an American plane or perhaps from something else. The Allied command just said "Tough!". Nazi Germany had
started the war, engaged in barbarous aggression and genocide, and Germany. including its civilians. would have to bear the consequences. Don't like German children being targeted? Then don’t start a world war.
Ditto for Japanese civilians killed in World War II. Let us keep in mind that far more innocent Japanese civilians died in the conventional bombing of Tokyo than in the two nuclear explosions. Bombing Tokyo was necessary to end the war. (Actually, so was bombing Hiroshima.) Civilians died as a result? Tough!
When Palestinians on a Gaza beach are killed by an Israeli shell (if that is what really happened, and there are reasons to doubt it), then the moral responsibility for those deaths rests squarely on the shoulders of the Palestinian terrorists who necessitate Israeli return fire. These are the same terrorists who have fired thousands of rockets and mortar shells into Israeli civilian areas, even after Israel completely withdrew from the Gaza Strip. These are the murdering Islamofascists who have turned the Negev town of Sderot, well inside Israel's pre-1967 borders, into the Israeli equivalent of Guernica, under daily bombardment. Sderot's low-income civilians live in bunkers, afraid for their lives.
Don't want Palestinian civilians killed when Israel shoots back? Simple. Stop the rocket attacks on Sderot.
Don't like Israeli reprisals? Simple. Stop the terror atrocities committed by Palestinians against Jews.
You want Palestinians to move about freely without being searched at checkpoints? Simple. Stop the campaign of bombings, suicide mass murders, and atrocities by the Palestinians. When the Palestinians stop murdering Jews, no one will have to check their cars. When Palestinian ambulances no longer carry explosives and murderers, no one will stop them for inspection.
You want the Palestinians to earn decent wages, have a comfortable life? Simple. Suppress Palestinian terrorism. Stop Palestinian rocket aggression. Then they can even hold day jobs in Israel if they want. They are welcome to shop in Israel and get Israeli medical treatment. No problem!
But as long as the terror continues, don't expect Israel to respond by turning the other cheek and abandoning self-defense. Don't like it? TOUGH! When suicide bombers blow up Israeli buses and cafes, military strikes at the perps will continue and Palestinian civilians may well die. Tough! You don't want innocent Palestinian civilians to have to die?
Stop the mass atrocities against Jewish children and other living things! Don't like civilians getting hurt in wars? Then don't start wars of terror and aggression against Israel.
The Bash-Israel lobby keeps coming up with new forms of political aggression against the Jewish state. The newest goes something like this. Until Israel is technologically capable of killing terrorists hiding in the middle of cities full of civilians without a single Palestinian civilian being injured as "collateral damage", then Israel should be coerced into adopting a policy of Quaker pacifism, under which it does not respond or retaliate at all to terror atrocities.
In other words, by demanding that Israel only implement 100% pure military tactics that no other army on earth has ever adopted, the Bash-Israel lobby is in effect really insisting that Israel stop defending its own civilians altogether. Israel should just respond to the firing of thousands of rockets at its civilians by turning the other cheek, becoming the first nation on earth to adopt such pacifism as its military strategy. Israel must be disarmed, while the terrorism must be rewarded. And if Israel dares to shoot back, it becomes the aggressor. By the same logic, Britain and the US were the real aggressors against Germany in 1944.
Such disingenuous demands for utopian purity in military operations, even when they come from Israel's own Leftists, are little more than a demand for unconditional Israeli capitulation to terror. Indeed, the only permissible defensive strategy such people are willing to allow Israel to follow is such capitulation.
Let us stop with the rhetorical pretenses and affectations! People who are "only" outraged when Palestinian civilians are unintentionally hurt by Israel, but have nothing to say against the mass rocket attacks on Sderot, are naked anti-Semites. They consider Jewish children legitimate targets of Arab aggression and Islamofascist terror because they hate Jews. In reality, they do not care a fig about Palestinian civilian casualties. Such causalities are such delightful propaganda tools that can be exploited to demonize the Jews.
There is only one effective way to prevent Palestinian civilian casualties, and that is to stop the Palestinian terrorist aggression against Israel. But that is the one solution to the problem that these modern day pogromchiki, including the academic brownshirts, will never allow to be implemented.