När jag har något att säga säjer jag det här, om jag inte säger det någon annanstans. Politik, mera om Asien än om Västvärlden eftersom jag ofta känner mej mindre främmande där. Sometimes English, sometimes Swedish depending on what kind of keyboard and my state of mind.


One year later . . .

Everything pains in my body. 

I have spent all winter in Sweden! Certainly, southern Sweden, but bad enough - I have extremely bad balance so I cannot go out when there is risk for slippery roads or it is windy - and anyway southern Sweden looks horribly boring in that weather. We do not even have much snow like up north, sort of more beautiful. If you look from the indoors out.

Back pains, legs pain, we just came home from a walk in the sun, the first one this year when I only needed a jeans jacket over the sweater and t-shirt 

Me and my Thai wife are happy enough here, but we live on my pension, and even if it is somewhat better now (as it is because of bad health, not age) than it will be when I turn 65, so we can afford food and rent, there are no money to go out to eat or fancy stuff like that - if we do so, we have to save for a month!

The expensive but necessary thing is to go to Thailand.

It is too expensive "just to go". I have a lousy economy but no time constraints, Yui has no money and time constraints.  She has not met her family for 2½ years, home in the village, see pictures on her website, she has studied Swedish since she came to Sweden and also boosted up her English to the level people learn here in high school. Around September she will start computer studies here at the university - very hard to get a qualified computer job in Sweden without - and then hopefully the trend and economy will be ideal for her. And for me......

Obviously our dream is to have a small house in Thailand somewhere. Her dream and the dream of her family is to have a small house in her village, my dream is - not. I know my limitations. I still have my driving licence, I COULD drive - but have not done it for ten years. My health is - well, the lab told the doc that it was slightly better a month ago than last summer, still - I get tired very fast, my eyes are - still ok, but also getting tired fast. 

I dream of life in Thailand really! Have a small bungalow or similar - a fridge and aircon and hot water, well...... is that too much? I had it for 8000 Bath last time I wrote here, and they have problems getting tourists now, for political reasons (that you do not feel anything of except in some parts of Bangkok) so mostly it is the same price or lower - I hope at least to be able to go to the same place next winter for a while. find a better room - better in the sense of more accessible for me. The room I have had for 3 winters there - the room itself is ok, but there is a high stone edge in front, that is a big risk with my bad balance, every time, nothing to hold in when getting up and down. Ah well, should not be hard to find another room or bungalow.

A colleague is in Thailand now, have not heard from him for a month or so but he might still be alive. I asked him last time for the e-mail address of a mutual friend in that village on Samui, Lamai, let's see if I get it. That guy has had a small restaurant there for 5 years called Soppköket, and should know most things.

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