När jag har något att säga säjer jag det här, om jag inte säger det någon annanstans. Politik, mera om Asien än om Västvärlden eftersom jag ofta känner mej mindre främmande där. Sometimes English, sometimes Swedish depending on what kind of keyboard and my state of mind.


Happy New Wet 2008!

The rain water is 28°, I know. I just went out to buy a sixpack water, it looked sort of gray skies. Then I walked home with my load in the small backpack a few miutes later. Good - two showers in one morning, and also the t-shirt can stand another day of non-washing.

The Finnish neighbour said hello again - told that in Finland he administered a student computer network.

The second, evening

Jag var nere på restaurangen i kväll igen, kyligt, vilket betyder 27 lite blåsigt, så jag fick ta på tjockaste t-shirten och handlade en stor skål med stark tom-yamsoppa med bläckfisk. Det var rätt fullt på restaurangen, en tysk dam i min ålder fick sätta sej vid mitt bord så vi utbytte en del artigheter. Upptäckte sen att jag hade glömt att ta pengar, nåt man knappast ska lämna på rummet ens av misstag, så även om de känner mej alltför väl på restaurangen och sa att jag kunde betala i morgon sa jag att jag kommer tillbaka från rummet om 3 minuter, vilket jag gjorde. Ungefär. Passade på att också köpa en klase bananer - en full plastpåse för 20 Baht.

Oops, writing jn Swedish, if somebody has a complaint, complain.

Now 11PM, should work another hour or so, right. I am here to work, not do other things.

Jan 4, early, bedtime

The days go without any revolutions, has been rather rainy - I just took a quick walk today to get some more money from the nearest ATM, not used any unreasonable amount I had 20000B in the pocket when coming from Sweden, took out 20000B in Bangkok and now 20000B again, it has gone to living, one return ticket BKK-Samui-BKK, room here for one month. Some raindrops when I was out, but not too bad. I was to a travel agency to ask for a flight to Penang from Koh Samui, around 7500B return, should be ok, it is a similar distance as to Bangkok but the other direction. I think it is on Jan 25 I have to go, the last day of the visa, so then there for 3 nighs or so, and back to use the second 60 days of my tourist visa. But it will be somewhat less - going on March 17 it means 3 + 28 + 17 is less than 50 days.

Jan 4, 19:45

Warmer today, 29 or so, good. When the cleaning gals came in the middle of the day, it was colder, just 28, they kicked me out as usual to sit at the stone table there, when I came back in the fan was ON!!! It is such a typical Thai habit - even if it is no reason, the fan is just supposed to be on!!! And it was not on the lowest and they were not working themselves sweaty.

Today I have been in Ystad with Linné, putting clickable links on the picture of where he travelled. I have done maybe half now, from where he started at home up in Uppsala, down to Skåne passing the place in Småland of his birth, then down towards Kristianstad. Today he passed Rydsgård, where the man lived that has made all the handwritten notes of the book of Linné, that I have made available online. I do hope they will continue with that kind of work offer to me - after all I do it well huh.... Of course I wished I could get some sort of feedback from users. The impression the display on internet is rather dependent on things like - it demands a rather big screen on the computer, but it is as the boss wanted so. Just they have that, it is fine, and it goes in that direction. On the laptop I work with now when I travel, it is a bit too small to enjoy - you cannot get up the whole page without scrolling a bit.

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