Jag reagerade på en av TT:s massprodukter i går. Jag brukar söka på
Eniro för att se vad den svenska pressen säger om Israel. Ett utskick från TT ger dussintal hits där, och det föranledde denna insändare till tidningar:
TT:s nyhetsval angående Israel är alltid intressant. I svensk press syntes på lördagen: ”Rysslands utrikesminister Sergej Lavrov kräver en undersökning av Israels bruk av klusterbomber” i ett flertal tidningar.
Samtidigt säger den ryska nyhetsbyrån Interfax http://www.interfax.ru/e/B/politics/28.html?id_issue=11583811 att Peres just i Echo Moskvy radio meddelat att de hittade många av Hezbollahs vapen i Libanon med ryska markeringar. Inget hos TT.
Hezbollahs raketer som gick till Israel med mängder av kullagerkulor och annat metallskrot enbart avsett att såra, skada och döda människor – vem kräver undersökning av det? TT berättar ej.
Och de facto – vem ser till att Hezbollah avväpnas enligt Resolution 1701? http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2006/sc8808.doc.htm Iran har redan börjat flyga vapen till Hezbollah via Beirut utan protester från Persson eller FN http://www.debka.org/headline.php?hid=3238 och båtarna som seglar i solgasset i havet utanför Libanon stoppar inte masstrafiken över landgränsen Syrien-Libanon, ej heller motsvarande uppladdning av Gaza, vars terrorister under veckan via den EU-kontrollerade gränsen till Egypten bl.a. tagit emot 400 anti-tankvapen och 15 Grad-missiler http://www.debka.org/headline.php?hid=3232 Israels försvarsmakt har definitiv information om minst ett dussin vapenleveranser till Hezbollah de senaste tre veckorna http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=51877 . TT har missat informationen och Persson har inte lagt pannan i några djupa veck. Anledning?
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Områdena som hade kunnat vara ett Palestina de senaste 50 åren men som konstant har sagt nej, senast år 2000 i försök till fredsförhandlingar för att avsluta den legala ockupationen, förlorar alltfler utbildade människor och affärsmän tack vare Hamas:
Brain Drain in Palestinian Authority
11:13 Sep 10, '06 / 17 Elul 5766
by Hillel Fendel
| The spokesman for Fatah in the PA-controlled city of Tul Karem says that the difficult economic situation in the Hamas-led PA has led to the emigration of many academics to the Persian Gulf. |
The spokesman, Samir Naifa, indirectly blamed Hamas for the situation.
He said the information he has indicates that some 20 engineers from the Tul Karem region alone (east of Netanya) have left recently for the Persian Gulf states. In addition, he said, many doctors have left Judea and Samaria, seeking work elsewhere, as have many Palestinian Authority employees. The latter have not been paid for several months.
Naifa, whose Fatah party was ousted from power by the Hamas in the PA elections eight months ago, said that many businessmen have stopped their projects. The reason, Naifa says, is because of the many obstacles placed in their way by the Hamas government, and the general lack of confidence in the economy.
An Israeli defense source confirmed the above. He told Arutz-7's Haggai Huberman, "Whoever can leave, runs away. Many factories have closed and money is not coming. Businessmen who came to Judea and Samaria are leaving."
Huberman recently reported on similar criticism coming from within Hamas itself. Hamas spokesman Razi Hamed wrote in a daily PA newspaper two weeks ago that the Palestinian Authority leadership and populace has failed to turn Gaza into a functioning society.
"Walking the streets of Gaza," Hamed wrote, "you get the feeling that you have to close your eyes: anarchy everywhere, policemen who don't care about public order, boys carrying guns, people setting up condolence tents in the middle of the street, and murders between rival families. Gaza has become a garbage dump, with a stink everywhere and sewage everywhere. The government can't do a thing, the opposition watches, the two sides fight between them, the Presidency is helpless; we have caught the bug of apathy..."
Vilka som finns kvar? Dessa:

Så vad göra för att klara det? WOW – Olmert och Abbas ska samarbeta för att med gemensamma ansträngningar stödja sina sammanfallande riken! Trots
Tens of Thousands Protest Olmert Government 16:09 Sep 10, '06 / 17 Elul 5766 by Ezra HaLevi |
| Tens of thousands of Israelis joined a protest against the Olmert government in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square Saturday night. The protest was under the banner of “State Commission of Inquiry Now!” |
The protest was organized by IDF reservists as well as the Movement for Quality Government (MQG), a private group that has been running a separate protest alongside the reservists in Jerusalem’s Rose Garden. The reservists have been calling for the resignation of the top government officials for their management of the recent war in Lebanon, while the MQG is calling for a state commission to examine the government’s actions.
“The Prime Minister must open his eyes and realize that a state commission of inquiry is needed,” the group’s chairman, Eliad Shraga, said.
Also speaking at the protest were former Defense Minister Moshe Arens of the Likud, retired Meretz Party chairman Yossi Sarid, senior reserves officers and relatives of soldiers who fell during the war.
“It is unacceptable that those under investigation appoint the investigators,” Arens told the crowd. “Only a state commission of inquiry will examine in a thorough manner the decision of the government in the last war in Lebanon. Never have there been such confusing and contradictory orders issued in the handling of a war.”
“If we continue to remain silent, we will be hit with another bomb,” Movement For Quality Government spokesman Shuki Levanon said. He added that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had been invited to the protest, “to declare from this podium that he has heard the will of the people and will establish a state commission – but the chicken didn’t even answer.”
Though most protestors held signs accusing the government of not allowing the IDF to act strongly enough, some Meretz members joined as well – protesting the decision to go to war in the first place.
Though the rally’s organizers number the participants at 40,000, police said 25,000 attended.
Musicians and composers took part in the demonstration as well. Nimrod Lev, Danny Linti, Miki Gavrielov, Pablo Rosenberg, Etti Ankari and Yankele Rotblitt, the composer of Shir HaShalom, the Song of Peace embraced by Israel’s left-wing and sung publicly by Yitzchak Rabin just prior to his murder.
Shraga closed the rally by calling on those present to join the struggle more actively. “The struggle is not over. Don’t go home and think you have done enough – speak out and join us at our protest vigil in Jerusalem,” he said. |
Ska Olmert fortsätta att beväpna Abbas, och tala vänligt till honom som han gör till sina andra gubbar bakom buskarna – det kan ju ge lite goodwill hos Blair, som också ser sin tron falla sönder:
Olmert Pushing Road Map Plan |
| By Hillel Fendel
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, in a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Saturday night, announced he plans to meet - unconditionally - with Abu Mazen in the near future. |
Blair arrived in Jerusalem late Sabbath afternoon, meeting with Mr. Olmert on what many feel is his farewell tour of the region before his expected resignation next year.
Olmert told reporters that he plans to meet with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) in the near future. Though just last week he said he would not meet with Abbas before captive soldier Gilad Shalit is released, he no longer has set any preconditions for such a meeting.
Olmert expressed his willingness and intention to advance the Quartet's Road Map Plan between Israel and the PA. He announced that the Realignment Plan, his main election campaign platform, was no longer relevant.
The Road Map plan, initiated in 2002, calls for an end to terrorism, an end to Israel's settlement activity, and the formation of a Palestinian state. Ex-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said that the U.S. guaranteed that Israel could retain major settlement blocs in the Shomron, but this has not been borne out by the relevant documents. The plan has not yet made it to its first step.
The British leader told reporters that events taking place in the Mideast directly impact his country, as well as the entire world community. Blair expressed his willingness to do whatever possible to advance negotiating efforts between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority).
Prime Minister Olmert has said that he now realizes that his Realignment Plan, calling for the dismantling of most of the communities in Judea and Samaria and the handing over of most of the territory to Hamas, is no longer realistic. The Road Map Plan is all Olmert has left on the political horizon, analysts say.
Olmert placing the focus of his Saturday night remarks not on Lebanon or Iran, but on the PA. PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah, who still retains his position despite the fact that Hamas controls the Parliament, is also willing to talk unconditionally with Olmert. Both leaders apparently feel they need each other in order to stay in power. [häromdan sa Nasrallah att HAN ville att Olmert skulle kvarstå….]
The Deputy Director of the GSS (Israel's domestic security service), whose name is not known to the public, says that Abbas also needs Hamas cooperation in order to survive. The official told the Cabinet today that Fatah is continuing to crumble in the face of increasing Hamas strength and influence within the internal PA security agencies. Efforts continue to create a unity government of both Hamas and Fatah. ,[och Kadima]
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