Swedish falukorv on our 4th Wedding day.
Yui discovered a small restaurant just beyond the noodle kitchen where we had been once, that advertised in broken Swedish about Swedish food. Not that I was missing it after two weeks here in Thailand, but just as an experiment..... Down in Lamai on Samui they have one or two acceptable Swedish restaurants with Swedish-tasting food. Not that I went there more than once or twice, once to show a Thai girl what it tasted like.
She tasted, then she ran away to eat papaya salad instead, full of chili, and I had to eat her food too, Admittedly it tasted pretty bland compared to Thai food.
Waiting for my falukorv
Here, well, did not see a single Swede or farang at all in the restaurant, neither eating nor making food, we ordered this ”falukorv” to me, while Yui took some Thai food – so we could share. The falukorv, Falu sausage, very Swedish speciality, remember she had brought that to her home village and hardly anyone could eat it, so I had to – not that I minded. Here I got lots of stewed macaroni and three thin slices of some sausage – at least the color was almost right, but hardly the taste. Ah well, it was ok, but I won't have any reason to go back there.
Yui plans to take the bus up to Bangkok and her village for a few days. She has to fix new glasses – much cheaper than in Sweden – renew passport and some shopping and meeting BKK friends, then up to her village to meet her family again and then after some days return with the rest of my medicine that we forgot. Also her ma still seems to have preserved a water cooker we bought for our use 5 years ago and left there, that I sorely need here now. A mess to have to go out in the foyer to get some hot water for coffee or noodles.
So I have to manage myself – have been spoilt obviously! And even if I take a walk every day here I still feel quite wobbly on my weak legs after during a year I have hardly gone out in Sweden except to the hospital. I must have strengthened them a little since I came but also tired them, so no obvious improvement. At least after a month more I do hope I might sense some improvement I hope. I have had many speculations about the practicality of staying longtime in Thailand, spending more and more time here, but one obvious thing I need is – better internet. I do not know how good one can get here, no broadband, Now I have two choices here, one paid and one free, sometimes the free one does not work, sometimes it is faster, some rumor that it might disappear next month with a new owner of the hotel. Staying longtime in Thailand I suppose one gets a regular phone and ADSL for that, better. And then comes transport if I am alone for a while here – I saw one ad about three-wheel motorcycles that probably should work for me, thou I have not seen any in reality. But we have to see how it continues with Yui's studies. She has one year left to a degree, is it worthwhile to take a Master on that?
Friday morning, early, soon sleeping time.
Out for some seafood but we did our best to restrict the cost, like I enjoy a green salad insted of rice, but that cost the same as a big plate of seafood so, not today.
Today we met another old man like me, on our little hotel side street, Yui had before heard him talk Swedish so I said ”Hej, do you talk a real languate?”, in Swedish. And sure he answered, a guy from the Swedish city of Gävle, rather far north compared to me living just in the south. He had been sitting on his chair here for 4 years. Got sciatica, pretty painful sickness in the nerves, that I do not know much about, he said he had it when he came, but now after many long walks in the warm weather it was all gone. I have met a load of old sick Swedish people here who feel so much better here in the warm air with good food and easy life.
I have started ”making war” on my usual blog http://israelisverige.info about the Middle East, and immediately bumped into the well known phenomena of censure of opinion in Swedish media. When people write totally false things about the Middle East and Israel it itches in the fingers to write and tell them facts, but often they couldn't bother, they know they have all the odds on their side. It is a very frustrating business, but before blogging it was the only thing available, letters to the editors of the papers.