När jag har något att säga säjer jag det här, om jag inte säger det någon annanstans. Politik, mera om Asien än om Västvärlden eftersom jag ofta känner mej mindre främmande där. Sometimes English, sometimes Swedish depending on what kind of keyboard and my state of mind.


Traveling - sometimes in Thailand, sometimes in a wheel chair

I wrote a long article here, but lost it. Could not find it, remember I wrote it - and then I realized I wrote while dreaming, and it sort of did not stick in the computer. Bad cabling.
It is always an experience to spend a few days in the hospital. I never feel as healthy in spite of my diabetes, as when I see all these half corpses trying to walk around without succeeding much. It happens to be one too common result of diabetes, there is definitely less feet on the patients of this department than twice the number of patients. Still, most do not seem too devastated, they talk like normal people, not like mental wrecks. Human beings can accept and stand an awful lot, that many young strong 'uns do not understand.
I have a vague memory that in an investigation of at what age people are most happy, the happiest was a normal 70 years old with family and not too many problems. I feel like a kid here, I am only 61 and many are as close to 90 as to 80, with horrible sicknesses but what the heck......
A thing I do not understand though is . that they do not DO anything. The greatest thing they know is to hang in front of a football match on TV, even when they got only a few hours of life left. They can still think, most of them, but seem to have disconnected those cells.
There seems to be an ongoing game between the old men and the young nurses - taking lots of humor from the gals, and not too much sensitivity for stupidities, they seem to love their job, being the princesses of the oldies.
The guy at my feet, no feet, think he said the first one was cut 8 years ago, so experienced with the troubles from all kinds of social help one gets - and he was satisfied with the available help. Meanwhile in the paper today I read abouit another case with no arms and no legs - with problems to get help........
Guy beside me, the one I have talked most to, 20 years my senior, one black toe I think and rather much pain there, was a bit noisy and demanding from the nurses in the night. And all night some real strange stink from him, not human, not corpse, like some chemical, never smelled that before but definitely not pleasant. He came from Austria to Sweden in 1950 and got stuck with a girl.
The guy in the corner sleeps most of the time, apparently very bad general condition, was down X-raying the lungs today, relatives around, no problems with his foot odor.
And me, feeling better. My wife was here yesterday and today, her visitors now, from Thailand, she showed them around in Lund yesterday (I was part of the show), today it will be Malmö.
Tomorrow Monday, so docs around, will be interesting to see what they say about me. I suppose they cannot say much if they have not got the result of the bacteria culture from the ulcers and no guess how long I have to stay here.


Suddenly in a wheel chair

In the hospital in Lund. In a wheel chair. Not allowed to walk.
No real fun, I have all spring in Sweden had problems with ulcers on first the left little toe, that must have started in Thailand, thou I never saw it, my wife saw it when I came from the first shower. And a month later, a cracked place at the side of the left foot also opened up, sigh. So she has worked with cleaning up them until a few days ago, when we saw that the left foot got more red and all the foot hurt when I walked on it,  so I got an appointment with the diabetes foot girls yesterday, took taxi up, they looked, said "SHIT", put me in a wheel chair and Yui drove me up to the central hospital block and to clinic #5, to present my humble self two hours later. So - some inflammation in the foot, and I am barely allowed to stand on it when I pee. Ah well, sooner or later I have to buy a wheel chair, but I have been in no hurry.
Anyway, as usual when I have to stay in the hospital, I feel healthy suddenly, seeing the guys and birds around, with an assortment of number of feet available for walking. One almost ok and one not ok at all, is a common combination.
They have taken samples of the bacteria in the wounds, sent for cultivation so they know exactly what antibiotics to put in, and meanwhile they have given me two broad spectrum kinds, supposed to kill rather much. Saturday today so on Monday the docs are back, I do not know how many days it takes to get response on the culture, so they can find some more specific antibiotic.
In the beginning I got one kind, in March, Heracillin, a rather general kind of penicillin I have had before, after a month I got some allergic chock, red itchy spots all over, fever, so stopped and back to the clinic a few days later, got a new kind of antibiotics for ten days. Then nothing for a week waiting to go to the doc and not only the nurses. So a new antibiotic, but apparently tht was not murderous enough. So let us see how many feet I have when I leave this place, and when - have no idea.